The Tinder Files #56- Boob Guy

Online dating sites and apps like Tinder and Plenty of Fish make it really easy to meet new people for hookups, relationships, or whatever you’re looking for. However, the easy nature of dating services also makes it pretty easy to lose sight of the fact that there’s an actual person on the other end of your messages. The Tinder Files are my attempt to hold people accountable for what they say on social media. I post the pickup lines that are totally inappropriate and gross, in hopes of it becoming less socially acceptable to treat people like a sex object. I post the ones that don’t make sense, because even someone you’re only looking for casual sex with deserves a message that you looked over at least once. Bro, it’s just not good for your game if your “hey” actually comes out as “gey.” However, I also post the super cute ones, because in the midst of all that negativity, we need to remember the romantics are out there, too. Check out my first TF post to see my rules.

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